Monday, February 8, 2021

Lessons, Blessings, Tests Over Time. Men And Mice, Coins To Flip. Dances.

 Starr Bright Tonight, Nuts To Fall, Nuts To Stand -Hecates Witch's & Pagans. Welcome All!. Counting Heads, Spinning Tales,Good Time Frogs. Fairies,Hand and hearts to guide.Rotten Tomatoes:Lessons, Blessings, Tests Over Time. Men And Mice, Coins To Flip. Dances.Coins to flip, love, lights, luck, cards on the tables, dreams in motions, gifts to share, wits, charms, and beauty within. 'COME AND TAKE A WALK ON THE WILD SIDE.'

Veterans Blue Oceans To Create: Fingers To Hands: Searches To Complete: Locations To Build, Located, Acquired. Monkeys To Fingers, Hands To Hold, Hands To Help, Help To Build Something. Homes. Houses. Veterans Homeless Blues.

VOTERS ACROSS AMERICA REACT TO JOE BIDEN'S "AIN'T BLACK" BREAKFAST CLUB COMMENTS.Be serene in knowing you are succeeding in your goal. The card in the Advice position suggests a course of action which will harmonize what you want with what is currently possible. The World in this position may be giving you permission to do whatever you want. Presently, your motivation is close to the will of the divine.

A man is only as good as his word...Meeting with a friend tomorrow night.


VOTERS ACROSS AMERICA REACT TO JOE BIDEN'S "AIN'T BLACK" BREAKFAST CLUB COMMENTS.Be serene in knowing you are succeeding in your goal. The card in the Advice position suggests a course of action which will harmonize what you want with what is currently possible. The World in this position may be giving you permission to do whatever you want. Presently, your motivation is close to the will of the divine.

Leaders, Learners, Losers, Sometimes You Win, Lose, Learn, Coins, Cards, Cons, Walks Of Fame. Coins, cards, cats in the cradle, more than one way to skin a cat. Tell me something good. Thank you for reminding us.Teachers, Students, Apache Stronghold: Leaders, Learners, Losers, Sometimes You Win, Lose, Learn, Coins, Cards, Cons, Walks Of Fame.

May be an image of 3 people and people standing

Love, Lights, Lessons, Lucky Breaks, Horse And Pony Shows, Dances In The Light Of Day. Heading Out To A Brand New World. Blue Oceans To Create. Wants, Needs 2.Fake Friends.It has been a long month, almost dead again, hopes alive and wishing for more and better, always dreams and prayers in place for a simple life always.

Live large, laugh often, love in the moment, wits, charms,graces, lucky breaks, dances in the rain.Love, Lights, Lessons, Lucky Breaks, Ho..Wishes on dreams, silent knights, kids and kings, hats and horns, views, voices, values, sisters of mine. Mothers and nuts, faces in darkness, faces in the lights of the moon. Veterans with skills, heads to count, lovers, haters, suckers for free rides.Thank you for reminding us.Teachers, Students, Apache Stronghold: Leaders, Learners, Losers, Sometimes You Win, Lose, Or Learn.

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I am stupid.Nobody would every say. I have a talent for words,I was meant to be great.
That is Wrong.I am a failure. Nobody could ever convince me to think that.I can make it in life.

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Fake Friends.It has been a long month, almost dead again, hopes alive and wishing for more and better, always dreams and prayers in place for a simple life always.Wishes on dreams, silent knights, kids and kings, hats and horns, views, voices, values, sisters of mine. Mothers and nuts, faces in darkness, faces in the lights of the moon. Veterans with skills, heads to count, lovers, haters, suckers for free rides.
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Happy Noses, Large Forehead, Planes To Land, Steven Jarrot, love to see / play with / finger / eat pussy !!!!! can make your cum over and over.If your need your pussy taken care of, I'M YOUR MAN. short or tall... big or small !!If this sounds good - please send a photo ( your photo gets mine ) and tell what it will take to make us both happy A$AP.Laughter Rocks.. Benjamin.Disneyland passes, strangers to friends. Sunday events? Get ahold of me I want my Conga back.
Cartoon network, cats and mice, men and bugs, frogs in ponds, good time, life of a rat to races. Hands out to cheer, hands out to clap, good job, done well, thanks for the shows.
Cartoon network, cats and mice, men and bugs, frogs in ponds, good time, life of a rat to races. Hands out to cheer, hands out to clap, good job, done well, thanks for the shows.
Today im Sharing alil Backwards... Questions One May ask SELF Consider While Reading. Smiles and Blessings Ms.Tamu Martin...Laughter Rock...

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  Fuck Feelings. Barry White - Practice What You Preach:Dances with wolves, dances with frogs, decades of dances on the right sides. Write and rites, tales told, stories left, gifts to share.Cartoon network, cats and mice, men and bugs, frogs in ponds, good time, life of a rat to races. Hands out to cheer, hands out to clap, good job, done well, thanks for the shows.Thank you for reminding us.Teachers, Students, Apache Stronghold: Leaders, Learners, Losers, Sometimes You Win, Lose, Or Learn.
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Wishes on dreams, silent knights, kids and kings, hats and horns, views, voices, values, sisters of mine. Mothers and nuts, faces in darkness, faces in the lights of the moon. Veterans with skills, heads to count, lovers, haters, suckers for free rides.
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TIME TO TURN THE PAGE:Once Bitten By Snakes, Dances with Wolves. I was smiling yesterday, I'm smiling today, and I will smile tomorrow simply 'cause life… Was not expecting that... GROOVE! Blue Dreams In Motions: Dances On Time: Rewards 2.Bless this spirit and shine.

Fuck Feelings. Barry White - Practice What You Preach:Dances with wolves, dances with frogs, decades of dances on the right sides. Write and rites, tales told, stories left, gifts to share. Less...

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Blue Oceans, Blue Drama Dreams, Ships To Sail, Rocks On Shores. Love and lights, hopes and dreams, dances on the sands of time, good times, dodging the rocks, making waves. In The Shadows, In The Dark, Reapers Of Good And Evil. It is time to wake up and smell the roses and be thankful for the tests over time. Winners Hits.

Wishes on dreams, silent knights, kids and kings, hats and horns, views, voices, values, sisters of mine. Mothers and nuts, faces in darkness, faces in the lights of the moon. Veterans with skills, heads to count, lovers, haters, suckers for free rides.

Pages To Books.Blue Stars, Lights, Leaders, Cars And Horses Under The Hood. Ways And Means, Rats To Races.Nurses, Nuns, Needy Freaks And Frogs, Hats And Horns,Sheep And Goat Tales, Love, Hate, Lessons. Coins To Flip. A TIMELESS ESCAPE.USMC. NEW YEAR, NEW YOU! Welcome.

You can't sit with us . Dicks, dawgs, dates, cows to call, whales on land.Retards, Rejects, Rites Of Veterans, Homeless Blues, Pages To Books..crazydisfunctionalfamily — with Aurora Agresti, Jose A Santiago, Juliana Santiago, Adriana Agresti, Frank Agrest.

Lessons, Blessings, Tests Over Time. Men And Mice, Coins To Flip. Dances.

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